Get Focused Stay Focused

The Get Focused…Stay Focused!® model is a classroom-based, comprehensive guidance program designed to:

  • Increase high school and college completion
  • Assure successful entry into the workforce with the skills required to succeed.

The Get Focused…Stay Focused!® high school program* consists of three interrelated components:

  • Students complete a semester or year-long freshman, comprehensive guidance course that helps students identify their interests and life goals, discover a career aligned to those interests and goals, and develop an educational pathway to prepare for that career. Ask your local community college about the possibility of students getting dual enrollment college credit or articulation credit for the 9th grade course.
  • The freshman course culminates with the development of an online, skills-based, 10-year career and education plan that is updated each year throughout high school and used by advisors for counseling and instructors for academic coaching.
  • During the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades students update their 10-year plans as they take a series of follow-up instructional modules that help them expand their career and education options. They’ll learn the process for selecting and applying to post-secondary education and identifying the skills needed in the workforce.