Athletics General Information
All student athletes must have a current Physical on file in order to participate in any Benicia High School Sport.
If interested in being a coach for BHS, please apply on (with link: )
Athletic Registration
We are excited to announce that we are now offering the convenience of online athletic registration through FamilyID ( FamilyID is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for our athletic programs, and helps us to be more administratively efficient and environmentally responsible. When you register through FamilyID, the system keeps track of your information in your FamilyID profile. You enter your information only once for each family member for multiple uses and multiple programs.
Before You Register:
Please make sure that you have a current physical (bottom of this screen) for your athlete(s). Physicals are valid for 1 calendar year. If your physical was taken at/through Kaiser, it is valid for 2 years. The physical will need to be digitally uploaded into your registration.
If you have any questions contact Athletic Director Justin Koeppen [email protected]
Registration Process:
A parent/guardian should register by clicking the link below and following these steps:
- Scroll down and click on the green Register Now button and scroll, if necessary, to the Sign Up & Log In green buttons. If this is your first time using FamilyID, click Sign Up. Click Log-In, if you already have a FamilyID account.
- Sign Up for your secure FamilyID account by entering the account owner First and Last names (parent/guardian), E-mail address and password. Select the agreement to the FamilyID Terms of Service. Click Sign Up.
- You will receive an email with a link to activate your new account. (If you don’t see the email, check your E-mail filters (spam, junk, etc.).
- Click on the link in your activation E-mail, which will log you into
- Once in the registration form, complete the information requested. All fields with a red* are required to have an answer.
- Click the Save & Continue button when your form is complete.
- Review your registration summary.
The Benicia High School staff, administration, and the Benicia Unified School District Governing Board encourages students to participate in extracurricular activities while maintaining good scholastic habits. Extracurricular activities help students learn the values of leadership, sportsmanship, cooperation, teamwork, and thus help them become better citizens. Academic eligibility covers the following activities: Athletics, Dances, Prom, Drama Productions, Band, and senior activities. The review periods for eligibility are: 1st quarter, 1st semester, 3rd quarter and 2nd semester. We recommend that coaches regularly check student grades by working with the Athletic Director and address concerns with students and their parents.
Social Probation:
Students who violate school rules and/or are suspended may be placed on social probation. If placed on social probation, the student may not participate in, or attend, any extracurricular activities, including sports practices and competitions. The first offense is 30 school days, the second offense is 60 school days, and third offense is 90 school days.
Academic Probation:
Students participating in extracurricular activities must earn a minimum of a 2.0 GPA and maintain passing grades in at least 4 courses during each quarterly period. Students who fall below a 2.0 GPA or earn two “F” grades are placed on probation. Students on academic probation have one academic quarter to meet the minimum grade point requirement for continual participation in extracurricular activities. Students on probation may still participate in extracurricular activities.
Ineligible Students:
The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) standard for athletic eligibility states that a student must pass 4 classes and maintain a 2.0 grade point average. Therefore, a student who fails three or more classes at the quarter or semester is ineligible to participate and has NO probationary period. A student may become ineligible in two ways. First, if a student is not passing at least 4 classes, they are automatically ineligible (i.e. failing 3 of 6 classes). Second, if a student on probation continues to have a GPA below 2.0, they will become ineligible. Students on the Ineligible list may not participate in extracurricular activities for the grading period. Students can work to improve their grades and regain eligibility.
Transfer Students Eligibility:
The eligibility of any transfer student will be based on his/her most recent grade report from their previous school. Transferring from one school to another may affect athletic eligibility under North Coast Section and CIF rules. If you have questions regarding this rule, please contact Athletic Director Justin Koeppen.
Student-athletes are required to attend the complete school day in order to participate in practice and/or competition. A student may have an excused absence for part of the day and be allowed to participate only for reasons that meet California Ed. Code and Benicia Unified School District attendance policies.