Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is a structure for school-wide expectations and a data-gathering system whose sole purpose is to help make every person on this campus be as successful in life as they can be by shifting the focus of discipline to preventative rather than reactive responses using simple school-wide expectations paired with a rewards system for recognizing students’ positive behaviors.

Staff members have the awesome responsibility of giving out reward tickets, what we call “Paws-itives” (Get it? 😉) for exemplary or improved behaviors in the areas relating to our school’s expectations: “Panthers R.I.S.E. Above” Respect, Include, Support, Engage. These tickets can be collected and “spent” here on campus for things as small as school supplies to something as large as a drawing for free prom tickets or front of the school parking spots.

These are the two areas we are focusing on this year: Getting the expectations (Respect, Include, Support, and Engage) out and followed, and distributing the reward tickets (Pawsitives). The tail end of this year, 2018, and next year we will work with the data-collection system to begin tracking unwanted behaviors on campus and then working together as a team to determine the best plans to thwart such behaviors. We will also include a Restorative Justice piece to this as well.

Who is PBIS?

We currently have four teachers, one counselor, our school’s on-campus detention supervisor, as well as VP Sean Thompson, and a liaison from the district as our PBIS coach on our team. We also have one student who is a junior this year. We have three staff members on the team who are also parents to current BHS students. We are always looking for more students and parents to join our team!

What exactly are Pawsitives? How are they distributed? How are they spent?

Pawsitives are Benicia High’s version of a reward ticket. They are distributed by any and all staff members. This means that not only teachers, but office staff, kitchen staff, custodial staff, substitutes, and even principals are equipped with tickets to give to students they “catch doing something good.”

The purpose of Pawsitives is to reinforce our core expectations: Respect, Include, Support, and Engage. Staff members will give out these reward tickets in instances such as (but not limited to):

  • improvement in theses core behavior areas from previous behaviors
  • increased amounts of these positive behaviors within the student’s interactions
  • regular use of these positive behaviors in their interactions

Pawsitives will be signed by the rewarding staff member and students are required to keep track of them, or “spend” them how they see fit. Please refer to the chart for ways these reward tickets can be spent. Please also note that this chart is a working document and will be changing as new rewards become available. If you have ideas or would like to donate rewards, please contact the team using the link at the bottom of this page.