Vision & Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Benicia High School will inspire learning with integrity in order to find personal success in an ever changing world.
Mission Statement
The mission of Benicia High School is to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment where all students actively engage in order to develop and pursue their goals. Our commitment to excellence promotes high standards for students and staff alike, with a focus on personal growth through academic and extracurricular pursuits in order to become life-long learners.
School Wide Learning Goals
Learners who:
- Meet or exceed curricular standards and essential skills.
- Display academic integrity and honesty.
- Persevere through challenges with responsible decision-making.
- Use and develop executive functioning and study skills.
- Engage in learning opportunities to improve their personal development academically, socially, and emotionally.
Creative & Complex Thinkers who:
- Analyze and integrate information from various sources to make predictions, draw logical conclusions, and create a finished product.
- Solve complex problems using critical thinking and innovation.
- Produce work that shows creativity and original thinking.
Effective Communicators who:
- Listen objectively and empathetically.
- Express themselves through speech and writing effectively, including appropriate use of technology.
- Collaborate effectively to produce quality work.
- Support ideas and claims with reliable evidence.
Kind & Informed Citizens who:
- Respect, Include, Support, and Engage (R.I.S.E.) others at all times.
- Invest time, energy, and talents to improve local and global communities.
- Recognize and appreciate diverse perspectives and opinions.
- Practice habits of mental and physical well-being.