The new BHS website is coming soon! Please check back later for information ragarding the 2024-25 school year.

BHS Site header picture

Dear Families of Summer School Students,

I am looking forward to serving as the Principal for Summer School! We begin our session TUESDAY  June 11th and will end Thursday, July 11th so please plan accordingly.

 A few important pieces of information:

  • Classes will be held at Benicia High School (1101 Military West)
  • School begins on Tuesday, June 11th through Thursday, July 11th
  • Classes are held Mondays through Thursdays (except for June 14th)
  • No classes will be held on Thursday, July 4th, for the holiday

 Class Schedule:

Class Hours Days Teacher Room
Online Session I 8:15-10:00 Monday-Thursday Mr. Tuiolosega B-202
Online Session II 10:15-11:45 Monday-Thursday Mr. Tuiolosega B-202
English 9/10 8:15-10:00 Monday-Thursday Ms. Valdivia B-203
English 10/11 10:15-12:00 Monday-Thursday Ms. Valdivia B-203
Body Mech 8:00-11:30 Monday-Thursday Mr. Holden Weight Room


  • You can find a map of the classrooms on the Benicia HS website
  • Please plan to drop off and pick up your child promptly.
  • For those on campus for both periods, a scheduled break will take place from 10:00-10:15.
  • If you choose, please send your student with a snack. The cafeteria will be closed for the summer.

 Attendance – Attendance will be taken daily by the instructing teacher.

  • There are no excused or pre-planned absences!
  • Because of the short duration of summer school, and state mandated policy, students cannot be absent for more than one day.
  • Students who miss more than one day will be dropped from the class without credit.
  • Students will be considered tardy if they are not in their seat prepared for class. Two tardies will be counted as one absence.

Behavior – Due to the short duration of summer school and the intensity of instruction needed, classroom disruptions cannot be tolerated. Teachers will explain their expectations on the first day of summer school, and students need to adhere to these expectations at all times.

Any behavior that warrants removal from the classroom or the attention of administration will result in a student being dropped from Summer School.

Dress Code: All dress codes for Benicia Unified School District apply to Summer School. Hats, headgear, bandanas, and suspenders may not be worn during the school day. Any apparel that promotes or advertises drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or inappropriate activities is not permitted. Students are not permitted to wear chains or safety pins on campus.

Use of Alcohol/Controlled Substance/Fireworks: Students who are found in possession of any illegal substance or fireworks on campus will be dropped from the Summer School program. Law enforcement will be called, and may take legal action against the student.

Student Parking: Student parking is allowed in the lower and staff parking lots. Parking privileges will be suspended and/or citations will be issued by the Benicia Police Department for hazardous driving or illegal parkingStudents may not go to their vehicles during the instructional day.

 CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: Students are assigned to the classes based on online request, space, graduation requirement, and grade level priority. The body of the email this letter is sent to will have the classes your student is assigned to.

ON-LINE COURSES: If you are signed up for an online course, you should be receiving an email with instructions on how to log in and access your course.

There are two available sessions where you can come in and work on your course using school chrome-books. You can also get assistance with your course if needed. If you are taking an on-line course you should have been assigned a session.

There is a short tutorial video that will explain how to navigate through the program.
All Tests must be taken in class. See Class Schedule for class hours.
Please sign in to the course as soon as possible. Inactivity could lead to deactivation of the account.
Any on-line courses that are not completed by July 11th will receive an F for the course.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me. We look forward to supporting your student’s progress this summer!Summer School Principal:
Faith Shaw