The new BHS website is coming soon! Please check back later for information ragarding the 2024-25 school year.

BHS Site header picture
  • October is LGBTQ+ History Month in the United States, Canada and Australia. LGBTQ+ History Month was created in 1994 by Missouri high school teacher Rodney Wilson and it recognizes important moments in history, as well as accomplishments and contributions to society. This year’s campaign focuses on 31 days and 31 icons – a few of which include Bell Hooks, Jazz Jennings, Governor Kate Brown, and Robert Cutler. October was chosen as the month of observance as National Coming Out Day already existed as a holiday on October 11. Also, the anniversary of the first march for gay rights in Washington took place on October 14, 1979.

  • A reminder that October is also National Bullying Prevention month and Benicia was selected as a Be Kind Community to raise awareness for the importance of kindness within our local community. We want all of our students and staff to join this week’s initiative to promote kindness and unite against bullying. This week we are focused on “See Someone Say Something” – even a simple hello.

  • We are offering school picture retakes during lunch in room A-107 today. If you took your school picture back in August but want to retake the picture before it is submitted to the yearbook, you can do that today during lunch. For new students or those who did not have their picture taken in August, you received an email this week with an appointment time for your school picture today.

  • Auditions for the BHS Improv Team are tomorrow and Friday from 6pm – 8pm. Auditions are open to all students; so come on out and show us your skills. For more information, please see Mr Day.

  • We have our weekly announcement of PBIS Raffle winners. Remember to enter your Pawsitives to the raffle of your choice  in the main office. This week’s winners are: Hunter Fletcher and Sabina Stark for a free slushie, and Zion Donaville, Noah Page, and Brandon Humann for gift cards. You can stop by the main office during snack or lunch to pick up your prize.

  • Recognition of Students of the Month – each month, school staff nominate students to recognize their hard work, positive attitudes, and for demonstrating the BHS RISE expectations of Respect, Include, Support and Engage.Students being recognized will receive an email with more information.