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What is the Benicia Mentor Program?

The mentoring program started in 2002 at Liberty High and expanded to Benicia High and Benicia Middle Schools in 2009. The mentors are community members who volunteer their time to connect with and support students.

What is a Mentor?

A mentor is vetted through the BUSD and is not meant to take the place of a parent or guardian, but is an adult friend whom a student can speak with about what may be going on in their lives. The mentor is not there to correct, tutor, or change student, but to be role models who are able to share from their life experiences. The mentor and student meet weekly on campus, during the school day. Also, if there comes a time when we feel your student is in danger to themselves or others, the mentor will communicate their concern to the school administration for further action.

Why a need for a Mentoring Program?

As we are all well aware of, the past 3 yrs. have been unprecedented. Some students are better at “covering up” their needs, frustrations, and fears than others are. Many students are trying to figure out how they fit into today’s world and how they will be able to deal with the threats of violence, changes to laws that may affect them, or if there will be employment waiting for them when they graduate. There are times a student would rather bounce things off an adult who is not their parent or guardian. It is by no means a put down to the parent, but it is a good thing that another caring adult can be there for your child.

How Do You Get Your Student Involved?

I am Ric Small and I have been involved in the mentoring program from the beginning. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and to get your student signed up. We have a form for the parent/guardian and student to sign. Please contact me at 707-333-4509, or