The new BHS website is coming soon! Please check back later for information ragarding the 2024-25 school year.

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BHS Administration will be holding an important Parent Forum Event to gather parent and guardian input to be used as part of our school self-study this year for our accreditation. This process involves an assessment of our school programs, student support services, and all areas involved in our goal of successful student learning. We want your participation as we engage in both internal and external evaluations for continued improvement at Benicia High School.

The process of gathering parent and guardian input is taking place in three main formats: parent involvement in our Focus Groups that meet approximately once per month, the morning Parent Forum event that was held on September 28th, and an evening Parent
Forum event to be held on Wednesday, October 17th at 6:30pm. At the upcoming evening event, we will provide a presentation of information about the accreditation process and then have stations available to solicit input in the five areas of focus for the accreditation process with administrators and staff on hand for questions, discussion, and facilitation.

Join us: Wednesday, October 17th at 6:30pm in rooms L2/L3 for the Parent Forum & Feedback Event!