The new BHS website is coming soon! Please check back later for information ragarding the 2024-25 school year.

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Yes There’s School Tuesday.

Dear Parents,  I know many people are concerned about the air quality and wondering if we are having school tomorrow.  Unfortunately, the smoky air is becoming more and more common. All of our schools will be open tomorrow unless things change significantly. We...

Parent WASC Input Event

BHS Administration will be holding an important Parent Forum Event to gather parent and guardian input to be used as part of our school self-study this year for our accreditation. This process involves an assessment of our school programs, student support services,...

Guiding the College Bound Athlete

In an effort to educate our student-athletes and their families about athletic scholarships and the college recruiting process, Benicia High School will be hosting an hour long seminar for students and families entitled “Guiding the College-Bound Athlete” on Monday,...

13 Reasons Why: What Parents Need to Know

13 Reasons Why is a Netflix show based on a 2007 novel by the same name that depicts suicide in a graphic manner and is incredibly popular with teens. Many educators and psychologists have raised concerns that the show may serve as a trigger for self-injury among...

High Paying Trade Jobs Sit Empty

Like most other American high school students, Garret Morgan had it drummed into him constantly: Go to college. Get a bachelor’s degree.  “All through my life it was, ‘if you don’t go to college you’re going to end up on the...

What’s Behind the Rise in Teen Suicide?

A spate of suicides among unusually young people has made headlines in recent weeks.  Earlier this month, an 11-year-old girl from South Carolina shot herself to death because she was being bullied at school.  The girl, Toni Rivers, told five of her friends that...