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Dear Parents,

 I know many people are concerned about the air quality and wondering if we are having school tomorrow.  Unfortunately, the smoky air is becoming more and more common. All of our schools will be open tomorrow unless things change significantly.

We received the following from Solano County Health last year when we were dealing with the fires in the area:

“Air quality is a dynamic process that is affected by the amount of particulate matter from pollutants such as material burned by fire, the amount and direction of winds, and other weather conditions such as humidity and pressure. Solano County Public Health continues to recommend staying indoors and limiting outdoor activities when air quality conditions are unhealthy.

Solano County Public Health recommends the following:

  • For any school in Green and Yellow zones, we recommend schools remain open as there is little health concern for staff and students.

  • For any school in the Orange and Red zones, we recommend schools remain open and limit outdoor activity.  Staff and parents should be advised to determine if they or their child should remain home for health concerns.

  • For any school in the Purple and Maroon zones, we recommend schools be closed. Staff and students should remain indoors if possible.

  • Schools should be prepared for asthma exacerbations by making sure rescue inhalers are stocked and available.

The AQI is a daily index to describe how polluted the air is (the quality of the air) that helps to explain what health effects can be expected with exposure.  AQI is divided into six categories and six colors, each indicating the level of risk for people.”

This is current conditions and the forecast for tomorrow:

Air Quality Forecast
Today Tomorrow
Air Quality Index (AQI)
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
Health Message: People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion.
Air Quality Index (AQI)
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
Health Message: People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion.
AQI – Pollutant Details
Particles (PM2.5)
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
Particles (PM2.5)
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups

We recommend people have limited outside exertion until the air quality returns to the green or yellow zones.

We will continue to monitor the air quality in the area and should it get into the purple or maroon area, other decisions may be made.  At this time, however, the forecast is that the air will be in the yellow and orange levels.
I hope you are enjoying your three day weekend and thanking a veteran for his/her service!
Take care,
Dr. Young